Occidental Gypsy

“Occidental Gypsy has great singing, fantastic guitar and violin work, and high energy originals that leave the crowd crazy.
An awesome band.” -David Bromberg

"They perform with enormous heart and soul and have an original groove that is definitely worth checking out.” - Dr Lonnie Smith

Django Fest 2015 in Mill Valley, California

Occidental Gypsy Plays Sold Out Show @ DjangoFest

DjangoFest4 djangofest3DjangoFest brings Gypsy Jazz performers from around the world to Mill Valley, California. Occidental Gypsy was honored to be among the invited artists, and performed to a sold out crowd on June 12, 2015.

The band would like to offer a huge thank you to Nick Lehr, Lucy and Danny at 142 Throckmorton Theatre, and to the incredible audience and musical community at the DjangoFest 2015.  It was SOLD OUT show, with a wildly fun crowd, and perhaps one of our finest performances ever. Thank you.

Django Fest 2015 in Mill Valley, California


To our fans, THANK YOU!

Occidental Gypsy Band
Occidental Gypsy Band

We had an incredible week and want to thank our fans for a fantastic tour. You showed up in full force, sold out several shows and all around made sure we ALL had fun together rolling out some news sounds!

A very special welcome to Jeremy Frantz, who is insanely good and super-smooth. We are loving the new sounds and feel that this is the best lineup we’ve ever had. Stay tuned for a new recording coming this year and be sure to get out to our next set of shows in June… kicked off by the prestigious DjangoFest Mill Valley, California. See more here: Tour Dates

Occidental Gypsy in the news

Check out these two great articles about Occidental Gypsy below and DON’T MISS out on the super-cool February Tour.

Hartford Courant,Occidental Gypsy Converting Fans With Its Red-Hot Saucy Swing by OWEN McNALLY

Cape Cod Times, Occidental Gypsy puts own spin on unusual jazz style by HALEY COTE

And, returning to Rhode Island on February 7th, catch this super-special show at the Blackstone River Theatre


a huge thanks to everyone out west

OgwineOG-oldchurchposterWe had an amazing time in Cali, Oregon and Washington State.  A VERY special thanks to the Siskyou Institute,  Paschal Winery, and the Maragas Winery for hosting us– what great atmospheres for gypsy music!

A special shout out to Michael Adams from Soper Reese for the video and for being an all around great guy.  The Lincoln City Cultural Center and Tim Thumb Theater were also spectacular, and we appreciate their great energy and great welcomes. Thanks to all the fans who came out, and we hope to see you all again.  Until next time…

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